Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thanks to Technology

This week was a mixture of fun but not fun week. I got hospitalized due to a certain viral infection (which was at first suspected as chikungunya but turned out that the disease was actually measles and not chikungunya) and I was infused and injected with needle many times. Honestly, I do not mind being infused or injected. I can deal with those, but what I could not deal was the fact that my disease actually got worse after I was hospitalized.

So I was hospitalized on Wednesday, February 27 and went home on Friday, March 1. But today, Sunday, March 3, in the morning, my hands and arms were full of rashes, so my parents decided to take me to the hospital again. I was mad. Seriously, like crazy. I have had enough of my blood being taken by the injections. I do not want anymore blood test, but what else could I do? The hospital insisted to have my blood for the blood test, so I snapped... I got mad at the nurse who insisted to take my blood because I told him that I have no more spot to be injected by the needle. My right hand is swelling, my left arm is full of injection wounds. No more place! But he still insisted, saying that he must give it a try. He was wrong. He did not get the blood from me, I was mad because he insisted to still inject me and in the end... the doctor sent me to the laboratory so my blood could be taken through another way.

Anyhow, going to the hospital today (no, actually with the fact that my body is full of rashes and that I am sick again) has ruined my mood and my plan. I have planned of going to Aksara Kemang today. I have been working there as a customer service for a month now and today will be the day for my Store Manager and Assistant Store Manager to give us last briefing. They both will be resigning starting March 15. The Store Manager will be moving to Dublin to do his job as a music composer for a film and the Assistant Store Manager will start preparing her thesis, majoring in anthropology.

Honestly, I have been waiting for today since Friday. I tried to sleep more, eat at the right timing and drink all the medicine given so that today I have enough strength to go to Aksara Kemang. I was so optimistic that I would make it today, but these rashes have ruined my plan so I could not go to Kemang. Moreover, measles is contagious. I would not want any of my friends there got infected because of me, especially my Store Manager who is currently preparing a big deal in his life. I was so sad knowing that I could not make it today, so I asked one of my friends there to connect me through Skype, so I can still listen to the briefing although I could not be there. It actually worked, I succeeded in listening to 2 and a half hours of the briefing, but after that my friend's internet got disconnected because of the heavy rain in Kemang. But that would be better than nothing. At least I have listened to 2 and a half hours out of many hours they spent for the briefing. I have got the main points and important information given from my Store Manager and his Assistant for the continuity of the store. My Store Manager has mentioned some candidates that will be replacing him and his Assistant and gave us instructions on how to deal with new people. And most importantly, I was so happy I could see all my friends' faces and listen to their voices after almost one week being absent due to this illness.

Disease can actually ruin anything, but thanks to technology that can facilitate people from all places and time zones around the world, now I can cut half of my sadness. I am so grateful. Thanks Skype! :)

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