Friday, March 15, 2013

My Day, Their Night: Passion!

I am writing this while waiting for my director's pitch turn, near room 303, both of Directing 1 and Directing 2's room.

Honestly, I am nervous, but also excited and anxious at the same time. It's like all feelings are mixed into one. Gado-gado, the delicious Indonesian salad, has bumbu kacang, vegetables, sometimes chilli and rice or lontong in it. That is how I feel like now; like the gado-gado.

But I believe that I can conquer this. I can win this. This is my day and I will make it happen. I believe that God will give me the strength to carry on, I believe that my efforts will not go into waste. Even so, I will still make this film. Winning this or not, I will make this film. But of course I want to win. This is my chance to win. I hope I can get the chance.

I immediately fall in love with Willy's script. I want to direct this. At first I was not confident, but after attending Mr. Robin's class and consulting with Ms. Mouly (that will be you, miss :D) I am sure that I can do this. I have a connection with the story. I am sure I can bring the story to people out there. I will give my best. I can give my best. I am not perfect, but I believe that this will be a start of something better for me.  

After this, I will go to Casa Kemang, a restaurant just above Aksara Kemang. Tonight will be the night of my Store Manager, Assistant Store Manager and Gift Officer. They will be leaving Aksara Kemang at the same time. As told before, my Store Manager will be heading to Dublin to do a music scoring for a film. He has not told me the title. But I am sure that he'll do good. Assistant Store Manager will be doing her thesis and Gift Officer will be moving to Kalimantan to start a new life there. I am sure we will all go on our own tracks and that will be good.

I am sad to be left by my new friends, to be honest. I love my friends. They have become like a new family for me. They supported me when I was sick, threw jokes at me so I can laugh, talk a lot about a lot of things. We work, we sell books and gifts, but we also build a new relationship. I know that our meeting is not long, it is just a month, but this one month has become a very beautiful month for me. February, the month of happiness. Having my documentary screened at the final cut, starting to work, meeting new friends, having the first classes for all subjects in this semester. I am grateful to have a great time. I hope they will have theirs as well. 

This is my day and their night. We will have hellos and goodbyes, good luck and carry on. A hello to my new experience, a goodbye to my beloved friends, a good luck for us and carry on!

PASSION! That is what makes us choose what we want to do! That is why I am here, waiting for my pitch. That is why my Store Manager decided to move to Dublin. Passion is what keeps us going. :)

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