Sunday, March 10, 2013

Going Back to Normal

This week was a very dynamic yet shocking for me.

My disease has disappeared and I have been healed.

I have returned to college after a week of not coming to classes. I have also started working again after not coming for a lot of shifts within almost 2 weeks. Honestly, I love going back to my routine. Wake up in the morning, get a cup of coffee, take a shower with warm water and then going to college or work. But, since I just got healed and still try to return my body's condition into being fit and normal and "used to the routine again", this week, I skipped the coffee part.

When I returned to college, I then realized that pitching for Directing 2 will be exactly one week after my return. I must rush all my preparation. I still have not found some things for my pitching, but I believe I can manage it until Friday comes. Also, since I missed a week, I missed a lot of information. I am glad that all my friends are helpful and willing to share the information I missed this week.

I am very grateful to have the chance to start my college week again (after a while) with Directing 2 class. The topic was all about ourselves. I was really glad to know that there are many things out there that can be discussed or seen from many different perspectives, also to know that we as human beings are never the same. My perspective of seeing something might be different from others and that is totally okay. That shows how we see the world. Mr. Robin closed the class with a quote that really gave me spirit: "it is okay to be imperfect; that's what makes it perfect. No one is perfect and you are not alone."

Also, when I returned to work this week, I am very grateful to get the chance to meet my Store Manager and Assistant Store Manager. Actually, since they are going to resign by March 15, they have stopped coming to the store in the weekends, but perhaps some things made them coming this Saturday. I got to talk with them after a while since I was sick and I was really happy because I got to hear their stories again. My Store Manager told me about his preparation in moving to Dublin, while my Assistant Store Manager brought us pizzas. I love all my friends in Kemang. They can always make me laugh and entertained even in my bad times (like when I was sick).

I am nervous for the next week's pitching, but at the same time I am also spirited. I want to go back to my routine as fast as I can. Classes are what makes me "alive", without going to college my life felt dull. I am spirited to start this week. I believe that I can go through this week nicely and without major obstacles. I believe I can get back to my routine again and become better.

PS: I am writing this in a bit of headache. Tonight I had beef ribs and pizza for dinner and I guess those are salty (although very delicious), so I got thirsty and headache at the same time.

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