Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just some random stuff being posted because I'm currently on a very random mode

Today I was working with some stuff for my thesis. I felt so bad, dumb and low like s*** afterwards.

But some things did cheer me up.

Like the chit chat about Foxcatcher movie--and then about life itself--with my juniors and one of the best lecturers I've ever had. So glad that I could talk about this beautiful movie (and the fact that it didn't even get nominated in this year's Oscars' Best Picture category pissed me and my lecturer off), alongside other things that are very random but important, like our education system, the Filosofi Kopi movie that was very disappointing for me and my lecturer, my lecturer's brother who read Albert Camus when he was 12, our nation's lack of reading habit and many more.

Or like the bus singers who sang Coldplay's In My Place on the bus I was on. Never have I ever heard any bus singers singing any Coldplay song, let alone In My Place. I've heard a few English songs like Aerosmith's I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing and some others being sung by the bus singers, but not Coldplay. I was so happy that I actually gave some real paper money--and not coins like I usually (well, even rarely) do--for them.

Or like my great friend, who is an Indonesian-Chinese descendant, ranting about the lack of appreciation to the essence of today's Tragedi Trisakti's 17th anniversary to people who chose not to appreciate in a very good way. She tweeted: hey youngsters who are getting mad because of today's Trisakti demonstration, try to remember for who was the demonstration 17 years ago?! 
Well, what are the chances?

No matter what, there's always a slight chance of being balanced, I guess.

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