Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Last Post

And here it is my last post of this semester... It is hard to believe that this semester is about to end in just 2 weeks. All classes will end soon and the holiday will come, and I'm going to be a 3rd-year student. Seems like yesterday when I first entered my first Directing 1's class. And now my second Directing 1's class is about to end.

In Directing 1, I personally think that this year's class is far more fun than last year. The learning process went much better and I think that this year is also more interactive. I believe that Charles and Willy experience the same thing as I do. Also, this year's projects are, in my opinion, more applicable for filmmaking. Maybe last year's "scene copying" project works as well, if I may say. But all these treatment, blogs and stuff really does work for me, at least.

To be honest, I can say that so far this is my toughest semester during my time in film school, but this is also the semester in which I learned the most, be it academically or non-academically. I made A LOT of mistakes this semester, and many of them are fatal mistakes. I did not win the pitch (which I can say that it is because of my own mistake), I made another bad film (which is the result of mistakes that I made), in the production workshop I won most of the "worst" awards and so on and so forth. On the other hand, I took part in 2 of my seniors' projects and I became an Assistant Producer for Lisa and Angkasa's film, where from these projects I learned a lot more. I may say that I am not a fabulous Assistant Producer because still I made mistakes, and some mistakes gave not-so-good impacts towards the others. But, seeing from the positive sides, I really am grateful to have gone through this semester. I learned not just about filmmaking, but also about social skills and management, which I am still lack of it sometimes.

I am not happy with what I have done this semester, but I am happy to have the chance to undergo all these things, because now I know that those things that I did were mistakes and I know what to do next time. I guess learning from mistakes is the best thing to do. So I know exactly how to fix it because I know that it was a mistake. Of course I am not satisfied with my achievements this semester (because I achieved nothing). I sometimes think that I am even worse than my classmates, but I hope that this can be a push for me to be better next time, in the next projects.

To everyone that must gone through hard times because of me this semester, I truly am apologise for my mistakes. And to everyone who have taught me a lot of things this semester, I thank you all truly from my heart.

I really am excited to learn more in the next upcoming semesters. Thanks to this semester that I have learned more about myself as well.

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