Sunday, April 21, 2013


About a week (or less) then now, I will be shooting my first project as an Assistant Producer which is "Crush", directed by Angkasa Ramadhan and produced by Lisa Kosdi. Honestly, I am excited, but anxious at the same time. This will be my first shooting with proper management and preparation. We hire crew from outside Binus International, we do proper casting, scouting and readings. We have much bigger budget compared to last year's project and we really take things seriously.

I hope that I really can be a great Assistant Producer for "Crush" and I can learn a lot of things that I may apply to my next project, "Chemistry". I also hope that i can be a great Director for it. 

Yes, it is hard to manage 2 projects, especially when I have to deal with so many preparations. Plus, I work outside as well. It makes me feel even harder to manage my time. At one time, I have to deal with my own script and reading schedules. I have to think about the execution of the story. At another time I have to make sure that all production stuff within the "Crush" project is fulfilled. I go with my crew for consultations, I help them looking for crew/actors, I plan the budget and take notes of all expenses. Then, in between, I still have to do my job outside. Yes, it is hard. It is not easy to manage 3 things at the same time. But that is what I have to do. And I do not feel these as a burden for me.

Honestly, I believe with the belief of "learning can happen at all times". Yes, I do believe that we can learn from things around us, anywhere and anytime. That is what I am trying to implement in my mind. From "Crush", I learn a lot. Ms. Illa once taught us how to use MovieMagic Budgeting and Scheduling in class (the thing we learn in Film Production II and not Film Production I) that really brings ease to my job as Assistant Producer. I learn the harsh decisions in filmmaking, how to work in a group and how to fix things fast without actually changing the essence of it. From "Chemistry", I also learn a lot. I refresh my mind about Directing I lessons. I learn how to fix a script and most importantly, to listen. To listen and make decision.

Yes, making a decision, especially when the circumstance is tough, is hard. But yeah, the hard decision still has to be made.

I actually want to work on a project about "tukang tambal ban" and "tukang sayur" with the same style of "Chemistry". But I do not have time in preparing it, especially when it comes to 2 weeks of shooting it. I want to work on it on holidays. I need people to help me giving references as well, along with my little research about those two "tukang".

Yes, this is just the small start of the real filmmaking. I have 2 projects going. It is tiring and it takes my time. But this is my choice and I will do it. 

Now, I feel like the film world is saying to me: welcome to the real world.

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