Thursday, June 18, 2015

Introducing: #SudahkahAndaMerasaTuaHariIni?

I am graduating soon. This July, I will have my Thesis Defense, might also have revisions on the thesis itself and, if there are no problems, then... boom! College's done. Welcome to the effing real world.

I just can't believe that time goes by so fast that I am now 21 (will turn 22 soon) and will be working soon. I will be responsible totally on my own--what I mean is not just responsible of things like cleaning up my bedroom or cooking my own food (which are also important to note), but also things beyond that, like getting a job, paying taxes and bills, saving money to buy a house and car/motorcycle, finding chances for further academic pursuit and many more "adult stuff"... all on my own. Whoa! It's exciting but it also makes me anxious and nervous at the very same time!

To quote a very good teacher of mine, "it's the graduation season... like it or not, it makes me a bit sentimental." Yes, it's effing true. My teacher becomes sentimental because he is a teacher who will witness his students entering the real world. On the other hand, I myself become sentimental because... I will be the one who is entering the real world.

While preparing myself for the real world--officially entering adulthood--after I am declared graduated, I want to turn back time. I want to go on a flashback, reviewing my life through things (mostly films, TV series and music) that helped my go through my childhood and adolescence until I become who I am now. The things that actually shaped me and somehow "prepared" me to enter adulthood.

So here I am, introducing my writing series: #SudahkahAndaMerasaTuaHariIni?

In this series, I will tell my stories regarding things that I feel important during my childhood, adolescence and early years of college--or even until now. Why mostly films, TV series and music? Because, without noticing it back then, I came to realize that I have been passionate with films since junior high school that I spent a lot of time watching films and TV series and actually had conversations with people around those two. Music, on the other hand, has always been a part of me.

My writing series will not be bounded with the amount of parts, so I can just end the series anytime I feel like I have enough to tell. I will try to tell the things chronologically, but since I can't always remember all things (I'm just another human being though), there might be a chance of slightly non-chronological writings.

Alright, that's all for the introduction. My first part of #SudahkahAndaMerasaTuaHariIni will be up soon!