Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 Days to Shoot

Sorry for not updating this blog for a long time.

I have been very busy this past 3 weeks. Until now I have joined 3 film productions. Started with the shoot of "Crush" (which is my own team, along with Angkasa and Lisa), then "Big Love" (Henna and Gio) and the last was "Eden" (Mike and George). Now I am doing my preproduction for my own film, "Klepek-klepek", which is actually the final task for this class, Directing 1.

Through the whole 3 weeks, I must admit that I learned so much from my team and senior's production. The leap from last year's production to this year's production is so big that I realised I have not known many things related to filmmaking. Filmmaking is not an easy thing to do. There are a lot of stuff (including pressures) going on and we must be able to arrange all those things in harmony to be able to make a good film.

In Crush, my job description was to become Lisa's Assistant Producer. I helped her breaking down the budget, being the Craft Service (which was a really big thing to do, since we had more crew members on the third day compared to the first and second day so we should add more food), breaking down the script and becoming a Production Assistant (yes, PA) during the production days. Crush took 3 days to shoot. We had 2 locations: Willy's house in Pantai Indah Kapuk and Binus FX for all the campus scenes except the toilet scene which was done in Binus JWC (oh, actually we also did an exterior scene in the halte right in front of Binus JWC). There were many obstacles coming towards us especially budget constrain and time limit, but thank God the whole team could manage it.

In both Big Love and Eden, I also became a PA. Basically I helped cleaning the set, buying cigarettes for other crew members (since I do not smoke), making and serving cups of coffee and tea and do other stuff. Big Love was shot in Meruya and Eden was shot in Bintaro. Seniors had more crew members than us, moreover many of them are recruited (not from Binus). These 2 productions were my first experiences working with many people outside from Binus, especially they are the professional ones.

My own preproduction drives me crazy. I have to deal with production and directing stuff at the same time for 1 week (thank God I have Phoen as my Producer, so he can help me in some other stuff related to production-wise). The biggest thing throughout my own preproduction is the change of script and story. But I enjoy it so much. I believe that I will learn a lot from my own production, especially as a Director. I also want to apply all the things I learned throughout the other productions that I joined to my production, so I do not have to make the same mistake or I can follow what they did if that works.

Yes, it is exhausting and it makes me cannot sleep. But I really want it to be good and I am putting my positive spirit right now.